Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Have i told you?

Have i told you?
How gorgeous you are

Have i told you?
How you meant a world to me

Have i told you?
How you are the best thing that happen to me

Have i told you?
How warm i am when i close to you

Have i told you?
All the happiness you brought to my life

Have i told you?
I am crazy about you

Have i told you?
I wanna make you mine

Have i told you?
I smile every morning just by thinking of you

Have i told you yet?
I love you more than i love myself

Sunday, April 4, 2010

i am sorry.(again, i am sorry)

If asked why I love her so much,I would say;

It’s the sway in her hips,(i always watch them :-))
the thickness in her thighs.(your thighs are perfect, hun)
It’s the lust in her lips,(sooo soft)
the love in her eyes.(makes me wanna be your bitch!)
It’s the softness and the smell of her skin(femme),
the wildness in her hair.(i love to smell them)
It’s the twist in her walk;(makes my heart beats harder)
it’s the sweetness in her talk.('assalamulaikum'...enough said,i'm yours,baby)
It’s the way she loves me,(untold by words, felt by heart)
It's the shine on her smile,(i'm so jealous when other guys adore your smile)
It's the painfully gorgeous of her,(u make me speechless sometime,really:-))
The childishness that unleash from her dark side,(turned me on)
It's wittiness and sneakiness of her that outsmarted me,(you have a criminal mind and rational of a lawyer)
The cooking expertness which always brought me to the kneel,(asam pedas kembung, i kene mandrem u!)
Her sensitiveness which makes her cry and melt my ego,(i shed tears when u cry)
It's her cute bunions makes her special,(i wanna kiss 'em)

that makes me love her each day.
more and more.
i hope she knows.
i want her so much sometimes i dont realize hurt her.
i am sorry, hun.
i'll be a betterman.

i do

why do i love u?

i love u
for zillions of reasons,
there are silly reasons,
there are funny reasons,
there are minute reasons,
and there are gargantuan reasons.

i love u
some of them cannot be tell by words,
but rather feel by heart.

i love u
my heart says i do,
my mind says u are perfect,
my rationality gone unplanned,
my sleep is in disorder,
my smile goes wider,
my fantasies went wild.

i love u,
the loneliest place in my heart is now occupied,
i always dream of somebody like u,
only you are better than my dream.
the reality is surreal and too good to be true.

i love u,
just because i do!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

tired for so long

blog ini hanya mematikan diriku sedekit demi sedikit,
mungkin aku perlu tinggalkannya.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

nowhere else to run

cinta itu sacred,
cinta itu pedih tak terhingga,
cinta itu pengorbanan tak terlihat,
cinta itu digenangi air mata,
cinta itu ikhlas dari hati,
cinta itu haruman rambut,
cinta itu lirikan mata,
cinta itu langit gelap berbintang,
cinta itu tiada mati,
cinta itu penghujung jalan,
cinta itu ego,
cinta itu teman setia,
cinta itu musuh terbaik,
cinta itu soul,
cinta itu rumput hijau senja,
cinta itu terik mentari membakar,
cinta itu musik memukau,
cinta itu kelaparan,
cinta itu pengertian,
cinta itu PMS,
cinta itu naik angin,
cinta itu complicated(rumit),
cinta itu abadi,
cinta itu gila babi,
cinta itu buta dan tuli,
cinta itu nafsu berkobar,
cinta itu sabar yang benar,
cinta itu terburu-buru,
cinta itu kekuatan emosi juga fisikal,
cinta itu ubat tahan tidur,
cinta itu kenangan terindah,
cinta itu pengalaman pahit,
cinta itu penerimaan dengan kompromi,
cinta itu menyakitkan bila dibedung,
cinta itu pagi yang cerah,
cinta itu keringat di dahi,
cinta itu tanpa sempadan,
cinta itu bunga merah,
cinta itu unconscious mind,
cinta itu unintended,
cinta itu sejati,
cinta itu penyebab sakit kepala,
cinta itu tahi lalat,
cinta itu menjengkelkan,
cinta itu ketawa riang,
cinta itu senyuman manis,
cinta itu eyeliner hitam,
cinta itu future,
cinta itu aloof,
cinta itu dibayangi,
cinta itu expectations,
cinta itu family,
cinta itu anak-anak kecil,
cinta itu plan,
cinta itu tak tertulis dengan kata,
cinta itu subur jika dibajaki,
cinta itu lembut tangannya,
cinta itu kucupan tak terungkap,
cinta itu siapa tahu,
cinta itu perasaan yang tidak difahami,
cinta itu cinta,
cinta itu bernyawa,
nyawa itu cinta.

kehebatan cinta

she said:

tidak ku harapkan begelar juara,
memegang trophy dimata dunia,
hanya cintamu dambaan jiwa,
begelar pewira yg kau puja

aku memikir lalu tefikir,
adakah engkau yg ku damba,
menangis hati becerai kasih,
mencari jawapan yg tak kunjung tiba.

mengail ikan di tasik selatan,
tesyum riang teringat kekasih pujaan,
mengejar kasih memberi sayang,
apakahaku dah gila bayang

megelamun aku seorg diri.
kelihatan bulan penuh dipandangan,
dibuai angin menusuk jiwa,
tepancar sinaran cahaya gemerlapan,
baru ku sedar kehebatan cinta...

mengorak langkah dgn keyakinan,
megejar cinta menunggu jawapan,
andai aku pilihan jiwa,
jgn gentar kata iya...

aku bepegang pada janji,
menurut kata hati yg nurani,
andai kata engkau sudi memberi,
dgn cinta aku sentiasa menunggumu disini....

megerti puisi ku,bukan aku,
tesilap tafsir,binasa diri,
andai kau tau ape dihatiku,
pecaya lah...kau tak kan bemadu kasih

understand u is understand her act

if you can hold on,hold on

i'm tired.
but i'm keep on running,
in circle.

tell me to stop,
i need somewhere i can begin,
all over again.