Saturday, June 28, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
"she is a fairy that when she whispers, even the bravest man sheds his tears"
A lot of people do not believe in such thing, while some relentlessly searching for one.
It is a faith that slowly fade over the years.
A buddy of mine told me once that for him, a "soul mate" is someone who can spend an amazing endless evening staring at the orange sky with you, just enjoying the majestic scenery, without much talking.
Because, talking is a language that we use to convey our feelings.
When both of you can enjoy the view without needing to communicate what your feel, then most probably both of you are enjoying the same feeling and having a great time with each other.
Soul mate,
Someone who would dance in the rain with you,
Someone who dare to go to a higher ground, a taboo place with a lot to discover.
Someone who helps you unfold the wings at your back and fly with you,
Someone who feels the ache when you are the one who got the fever.
Soul mate,
Someone who let go his pride and went shopping for 4 hours with you,
Someone who took a fucking 14 hours drive just to see you smile,
Someone who sings you a lullaby,
Someone who set up a romantic dinner on the seashore and give a Gucci handbag for you as a dessert.
Belief, as it was true.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Thank you, Come again, pleaseee
Last Friday, I was assigned as the cashier at my workplace.
There were two drunken girls came around 12:30am. I bet they were from a party since one of them wearing a tight policeman top and even tighter skirt. The other one, smell like she’s wearing a ‘beer perfume’, was wearing a sexy costume that I could not recognize.
Girl 1: Hi..
Me: Hey..
Girl 1: Beef Burrito
Me: Aite
As I was swiping her Meal Plan ID, her friend, Girl 2 tried to pull up her tube top but her action only make it worse. Her top fell down and more than half of her boobies were exposed.
Girl 1: Hey (as she pointed her finger at the displayed breasts)
Girl 2: Sorry.. (as she pulled her top up and grinned at me)
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Same Planet, Different World
When the lights are shining bright outside,
This is not my home.
I need a home,
A place where allies compromise,
No harm,
Just warm,
A place where it is evening all the time,
Not bright,
Just right.
I need a life,
A life that full of happiness,
Where money is not a dictator,
Where peace is always overwhelming,
Where ignorance is appreciated as bliss
I guess i need to keep on waiting,
Solidify my mind and replenish my soul,
Because the Days will surely come,
I dont know when,
But I have a feeling that it is coming.
Hopefully soon.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
let she be either Bjork or Giada deLaurentiis
one night, i slept on my other side of the pillow i guess,
but somehow it fucked my shoulder up.
the next morning, i got this bitching pain in my neck and right shoulder, man.
it was so painful that i can't even look to my right.
so, later that evening, my lovely mom took me to this masseuse.(btw, she was an old woman who has less teeth than fingers altogether not the hot foxy with fingers of feathers)
after i sat and greeted her, she asked me to take my shirt off.
and then she sat behind me and start massaging.
as she massaging she chatted with my know, women stuffs.
i just listened and try my best to comply.
then she stopped as she found out i got this small mole at my right shoulder.
she said to me.
"ni ade taik lalat kat bahu ni.biasanya orang taik lalat kat bahu ni kawen ngan janda."
"heheh" i grinned as my mum burst to laugh.
janda pon jandalah kan.klu janda/cougar/milf umor 42 macam Bjork?
Saturday, March 22, 2008
"my gift is my song, and my song is for you"
Tidak kulihat marak api cintanya,
Tapi kurasa hangat haba kasihnya,
Apa yg
Jgn seksa lagi batinku yg kecewa.
Hari-hariku semakin indah tiada lagi sepi,
Ku dgr kembali kicau burung di awal pagi,
Ku rasa kembali bayu lembut mencium pipi,
Ku lihat kembali awan2 biru berbentuk hati.
Walaupun hakikatnya kau sentiasa berada di hadapanku,
Mata yg nakal memarakkan asuku,
Senyuman bak pedang tajam,
Menawan tp menikam kejam.
Dirimu umpama bidadari trn dr syurga,
Indah,cantik,menawan,…. menduga.
Sebenarnya, perwatakkanmu yg terus menundukkan ku,
Persamaan, perbezaan, keinginan, pengakuan, impian dan tingkah laku.
Cinta itu bermata, berhati, bernurani,
Cinta itu menilai,dinilai, memahami dan difahami.
Dibajai bangkai keegooan dan disirami air kerinduan,
Bisa kita petik buah cinta itu bila ianya ranum.
Kerna Ku tahu kau rasakan apa yg kurasa
Mimpi selalu indah,
Pagi selalu cerah,
Bintang selalu terang,
Hati selalu girang,
Kerana kau ada aku,
dan aku ada kau.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
All Day Long
Gadis 1,
Berlesung pipit, senyum umpama mentari pagi,
Meleburkan semua kesangsian hari semalam.
Gadis 2,
Muzik menyatukan kami.
I suka phychedelic, You suka acoustic,
Gadis 3,
Dia sanggup tunggu kepulanganku,
Empat tahun itu empat hari katanya.
Gadis 4.
Dia seorang yang manja dan periang,
Independent and sexy woman she is.
Semua kutinggalkan.
Kerna ianya akan berakhir pada satu hari yang kosong,
Bila ketika itu 'kau' jauh dimata,
Ada satu perasaan yang membuatkan ku gila,
dan kusedar 'kau'lah puncanya.
Disini aku,
Menunggu kau.
Dengan Sejambak Bunga.
Kau kata kau suka tulips kan?.
All day
Sunday, March 2, 2008
"aku akan lebih tidak peduli lagi, aku mahu hidup begini untuk seribu tahun lagi"
I really want to understand you,
Together we discover the hidden sides that you never know its existence,
And explore your bright sides that you proud off.
So when you are in blue,
I know which song I need to sing to cheer you up,
I know which memories will wipe your tears away,
and I know which line to sweep your feet off.
and Hey, Let's go to that place,
The place that only and me know.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Hey, we can totally do these
*Kiss her in front of your friends.
*Trust her over everyone else.(so true)
*Tell her she looks beautiful.
*Look her in the eye when you talk to her.
*Tell her stupid jokes to make her laugh.
*Let her mess with your hair.
*Mess with HER hair.
*Just walk around with her.
*Include her in most things you do.
*When she cries do whatever to make her smile.
*Forgive her for her mistakes.
*Look at her like she's the only girl you see.
*Tickle her even if she says stop.
*Hold her hand even when you are around your friends.
*When she starts swearing at you tell her you love her.
*Let her fall asleep in your arms.
*Get her mad, then kiss her.
*Tease her and let her tease you back.
*Stay up with her all night when she's sick.(aww...)
*Watch her favorite movie.(dis one sgt sweet okayy)
*Give her the world.
*Let her wear your clothes.
*When she's sad, hang out with her.
*Let her know she is important.
*Let her take all the photos of you whenever she wants.
*Kiss her in the rain.
*And when you fall in love with her, tell her.
*And when you do tell her.. Love her like you never loved before.
Girls = Best Creation of God.Hands down.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
I call you on a tin-can phone
Aku dah elak bila kau lepaskan panah itu,
Namun matanya tajam terhiris dadaku.
Aku bukan tidak suka pada 'cinta'.
Tapi aku benci pada 'rindu'.
Jangan buat aku begini,
Hari aku muram,
Jiwa aku kacau,
Ada kau dalam aku.
Ku jawab sendri,
Jika Hati ini Baju Putih,
Rindu itu Cecair Nila,
Tolonglah, Datanglah walau seketika,
Aku cuma ingin melayang direnung matamu.
Friday, February 15, 2008
aku penat
Bila kusut, semua serabut, kecamuk, amuk, remuk.
Tali fikiran terbelit, sulit.
Hati resah. Mencari ketenangan yg nilainya emas pun tidak bernilai
Aku mahukan kesunyian, ketenangan, jauh dr keduniaan
Seperti kartun jepun yg pantainya bersih, anginya sepoi2 bahasa mencium pipi hangat dibakar terik sang merah, ditemani gadis manis berlesung pipit.
Kusut, kusut.
Dinding2 memanggil cawan didepanku agar dihempas didadanya.
Rambut kusut minta ditarik2, dicarik2, digenggam kuat.
Dunia terasa hambar, kosong, bosan, perih, berdarah, bernanah, luka dimana2.
Di saat inilah hati sedih,sunyi, rindu, kalut.
Dambakan saat kelmarin berulang kembali, mahukan petang jingga yg tidak berkesudahan, taulan yg memahami, gelak ketawa si dia, rokok Dunhill, teh O panas, sawah yg terbentang, dan sungai yg cetek dgn ikan2 kecil bergurau.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Ku Tabur Gula di Bibir
"tell me about it."
"Flowers are pretty and Sunset is beautiful,
but are painfully gorgeous."
"hehe..sweet talker"
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Why everyday is not saturday
Bukan wanita perang atau coklat,
Bukan separuh dunia
Aku mahukan segumpal confidence,
mungkin juga semangkuk dua subconciouness."kata beliau
Friday, February 8, 2008
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Amygdala Yang Terganggu
Gadis cantik bermata biru berhidung mancung,
Kau buat aku berdarah hidung,
Peha putih, Betis bunting,
Kaki panjang, Rambut perang,
Tubuh bergetah gebu matang.
Nama seindah rupa,
Panas, hangat, nafsu membuak di dada,
Kau curahkan hangat air
Kau petikkan ranum buah cinta,
Ketika berahi kehausan dara,
Tidak salah dan ragu lagi
Kau adalah salah satu bidadari,
Yang tujuh benihnya tercampak dari syurga Ilahi,
Kerna hati dan jasadku kini tergari,
Mengenangkan tubuh dan parasmu setiap hari.
Ironinya jiwa kita tak akan bersatu,
Walau itu mahuku dan impimu,
Bukannya hati dan nurani ini yg ragu.
Tetapi mereka yg tua pasti tidak akan merestu,
Kerana falsafah dan fahaman yg berdebu,
Mungkin ini semua hanya ilusiku,
Fantasi hangat malam sabtu,
Mungkin kau mmg berhantu,
Seperti khabar pujangga pilu,
Atau sebenarnya hanya amygdalaku yg terganggu,
Si Jelita
Di Dalam Kegelisahan,
Air Mata Berlinangan,
Entah Siapa Dibencinya."
kau tidurkan aku smlm
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Tylenol dan Vicks
Sakit dan sepi,
Aku sendiri,
Pil Tylenol aku makan,
Ubat Vicks aku telan,
Kepala pening,
Hati runsing,
Tekak kering dan sakit,
Hidung sesak dan perit,
Adat hidup berdikari,
Semua benda buat sendiri,
Sakit susah xsiapa tahu,
Sendiri urut kepala dan bahu.
Dengar lagu lama,
Tenangkan jiwa,
Lepak sambil ternganga,
Perut lapar, tiada selera.
Ingat kampong, sayu terasa.