Sunday, August 2, 2009

why we have to worried

the earth is enormous enough, we got oil at least until our great grandchildren,
we can dump our leftovers anywhere, we can flatten a mountain, it'll grow again,
the ozone gonna be there for million of years, it got seven layers,
the sun not gonna die, the sky in hanging by a steel,

we got aristocrates around us,
we got engineers, volunteers, and teachers,
we got technologies, who will save from anything,
we we got plane that can fly we got spaceship that can bring us to another planet.

because families and friends are always there,
love is on the air and we are not trying best enough,
opportunities showed up and we just procrastinate,
then we spend the whole day regretting the past and wasting the present.

easily that we would like to think that we can live until 200 years old,
death is a myth that need to be proofed by oneself,
when a friend gone, we mourned just as good as the crowds,
we went home and laughed our ass off watching the sitcom.

because people only think about themselves,
we rather pointing than confessing,
we happily wearing shoes while others bare footed,
because we dont care and we happy not to observe.

the world is sick,
admit that first,
and we then need to get to find a way,
to keep surviving.

start by holding hands,
by smiling without being asked,
do it first, do not wait,
and by spreading the love.
because the love is missing and the hatred is instilled.
this is our home.
u, me, them and us.


Anonymous said...

tak bagi tau i pon u did write a new ariticle!

asam pedas kembung

greenisnotourenemy said...

i did actually.please kindly check you inbox, miss a.p.k.

Anonymous said...

yeahh i remember...u did...sorry..wat is a.p.k??

asam pedas kembung

greenisnotourenemy said...

see...u forget right. it breaks my heart sey..

a.p.k is ahlijawantankuasa persatuan lah. a.p.k is asam pedas kembung cik adik intan payung.